65 Leicester Road
LE19 2DU
Tel: 0116 2864421
E-mail: mylimes.noreply@nhs.net
www.facebook.com/limesnarborough / twitter.com/limesnarborough
Senior Partner Dr Caroline Ruddock
MB ChB (Leicester 1989). DRCOG MRCGP DFFP.
Women’s health, Contraception, Dermatology and Mental Health.
Dr Sarah Maxted
MBChB. (Leicester 1996) MRCGP, DFFP, DRCOG.
Women’s health, Contraception, Undergraduate Training and Breast care.
Dr Simon Vincent
MBChB (Leicester 1997), FRCGP
Training, Palliative care, Cardiology and Contraception
Dr Benjamin O’Connor
MB ChB (Leicester 2009). MRCP, MRCGP, Bsc Hons (Edinburgh 2002),
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education (Nottingham 2019)
General medicine, Men’s Health, Palliative care, Dermatology, Minor surgery, Education and Training.
Dr Charlotte Sloan
MBChB (Edinburgh 2015), MRCGP
Women’s Health, Minor Surgery, Education and Training
Dr Elizabeth Wiseman
MBChB (Leicester 1997), MRCGP, DFFP, DRCOG
Dr Laura McGowan
BMedSci (Birmingham), MBChB (Warwick), MRCGP
Lyn Errington
BSc Hons Advanced Professional Practice (Emergency Care)
Registered General Nurse
Certificate in Independent Nurse Prescribing
Diplomas in Diabetes, CHD, COPD, Smoking cessation, Asthma
Award in sexual healthcare and contraception
Minor illness Qualification
Physician associates (PAs) and Paramedics are medically trained, healthcare professionals, who work alongside doctors and other members of the practice team to provide a range of patient care. Please read our patient information leaflet to find out more: PA and Paramedic Information Leaflet
Lucy Simpson
Physician Associate
Charlotte O’Connor
Physician Associate
Laura Parkinson
Felicity Fowler
Karen Tanner
Elizabeth Harper
Ruth Adams
Registered General Nurse
Sexual Health + Contraception Specialist Practitioner
Zoie Nolan
Our healthcare assistants offer a range of services. These include phlebotomy, blood pressure measuring, ECGs, dressings and spirometry
Nina Warner
Chantel Jacklin
Emma Williamson
At The Limes we are fortunate to have physiotherapists as part of our team. Their role is to provide expert assessment of musculoskeletal problems and advise on initial management. This does not mean that they will provide ongoing formal physiotherapy treatment – this is done via the normal physiotherapy department.
Practice Manager
Mr David Concar
Post Graduate Diploma in Management studies
Assistant Practice Manager
Mrs Kate Jones